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To implement serving the images using signed URLs, we'll need to implement a couple of things. Starting from AppSync, the interesting point is the resolver for the Image.url field. This is going to use a Lambda function and as such it needs some setup to work properly.

Setup the environment

The first thing is a role for AppSync with permission to call the function:

An IAM role is configured for the Lambda data source

Then the role has a policy with a statement:

  "Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Resource": [

Next, the Lambda function needs an execution role with s3:GetObject permission:

The Lambda execution role with s3:GetObject permission

Finally, the Lambda function needs to know the name of the S3 bucket in an environment variable:

The bucket name is passed as an environment variable

Resolver implementation

The resolver function for the Image.url calls this Lambda function with the image's key. In the database, images are stored in a table that contains the userid and the key field:

The images table

The User.images resolver returns the rows from this table. That means that in the Image.url resolver, the key is accessible in the ctx.source. The only thing that resolver needs to do is to invoke the Lambda function, passing the image key as an argument:

export function request(ctx) {
  return {
    version: "2018-05-29",
    operation: "BatchInvoke",
    payload: {
      type: "download",
      imageKey: ctx.source.key,

Note the type: "download" argument. In the example project the same Lambda function is used for both upload and download URL signing. The type differentiates between the two cases.

Lambda function implementation

After all this plumbing, let's move on to the more interesting part of the URL signing, to the implementation of the Lambda code!

First, import a couple of things, fortunately everything is included in the Lambda runtime by default:

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