Book cover
Architecting AWS serverless apps? Learn how to get file handling right.

Serverless computing is about functions that run fast and return small responses. On the other hand, files can be arbitrarily large, and sending them through ephemeral functions can easily hit a limit of the runtime.

This is the problem signed URLs solve.

Learn how to implement a serverless-friendly, robust, and secure solution to handle files using signed URLs.

Signed URLs
the serverless way of secure file downloads and uploads
Builds a solid understanding from the first steps to mastery. Provides the tools and concepts that you can use to build your own serverless solutions.
For developers
Written for people who write code. Plenty of code snippets, deploy-to-try example projects, best practices, and pitfalls are all covered in the book.
Multiple formats
Web-based version to use as a reference
PDF and Epub to read as a book.

Chapters included
S3 and CloudFront signed URLs
AWS signed URLs solutions described
Two ways to implement an Ecommerce site
How a serverless solution differs from a server-based one
Designing for performance
How to use signed URLs when speed matters
Diving deep
Caching, encrypted data, permanent URLs, and other specific topics

What's in the package
Downloadable code examples10
FormatsWeb, PDF, Epub
Language usedJavaScript
Infrastructure examplesTerraform
Updates includedAll future updates
Money-back guarantee7 days
Book statusFinished
Last updatedOct 15, 2023 - Updates
Tamás Sallai

I'm a software developer focusing mostly on cloud computing and web technologies. I'm especially interested in how to handle edge cases to end up with dependable software.

Writing serverless apps brings a lot of faschinating problems that require insight into several components to solve properly. One of the first for me was how to handle files and that turned out to be a surprisingly deep topic. This book aims to provide a complete overview of the pros and cons of the available tools and approaches so you can choose the best one according to your needs.

Other books I wrote:

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